Kayak Adventure

10:32 PM by Kerri
The other week we went to Goat Island with the Howards. It was really low tide so Brad, Lili, and I walked over while Kim, Nate, Kaci, and Nate Jr. kayaked over. As we approached the island (like 25 feet from the shore) Brad turned to me and in a very calm voice said "Oh look, it's a seal!" I turned and looked and nearly passed out. I gasped, but put on my brave face so as not to scare Lili and scurried away to put some distance between us. When we were on shore, far away from the HUGE sea animal, Brad gave me a kiss for being brave. I am SCARED to DEATH of sea life. I saw a large fish out snorkeling once, and I didn't go snorkeling again for almost a year. I am terrified of large sea life. It creeps me out that when I'm out in the water I am just about helpless and they are super swimmers. AHHH! Being less than 25 feet from that HUGE seal was one of the scariest moments of my recent life. It was a little cool to see it, but I'd rather not see one again... EVER! (unless I'm at a zoo or something... but I'm not promoting animal captivity,I'd just rather not happen to run into one again out in the wild)

That same week, we saw a dead Eel on the beach. It was crazy. I had never seen one before. Its little teeth looked like they could rip me apart in just seconds. I was glad it was dead. I'll admit, I've been a little skittish in the water ever since our week of Sea Life.

I took pictures of Mr. Ginormo Blubbery Seal... I'll post them soon!

Comments (1)

Blogger newsinaminute
February 25, 2008 at 2:04 PM  

way to go putting on your brave face for Lillian-- and way to go for brad saying it so calmly
did Lillian like seeing it? anyhow its funny that you see all these things and you are even wanting to, they just come in your path. You have admirable discipline for not freaking out.
what a cute auntie you are for Lillian and all your neices and newphews.

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