The Joys of Motherhood = Reading Baby Books!!

9:45 PM by Kerri
Every kid should come with the following two books: Baby Whisperer and Teach Your Baby to Sleep through the Night.

Baby Whisperer taught me why schedules are important and good for baby and also how to get a schedule that works! It also taught me about pacifiers, the sounds of different cries, and to "start as you mean to go on". This is great. I loved it! Brad liked it too. He knew NOTHING about babies, but after he read the book he felt more confident with becoming a Dad (we read it before I gave birth).

Teach Your Baby to Sleep through the Night has literally saved my life and my marriage, not to mention Kaci's sweet dreams. Kaci was such a good sleeper until we went on vacation. As of December she would wake up every 3 hours, at the end of the month she would wake up every 2, and then in January she woke up every 1 to 1 and a half. Yeah, I wasn't getting ANY sleep. She wouldn't sleep during the day either. I was a complete wreck. When I finally couldn't take it anymore, I decided to read every thing I could about Baby's sleeping (including a zillion reviews on books). Then on a whim I strolled over to the Library on campus and checked out this book. The first couple chapters helped me realize that I wasn't a horrible mother because my baby refused to sleep and helped me to see that, like all things, I needed to be patient and loving and teach Kaci to sleep. So, I read the whole book and whole heartedly agreed to the 3 days of sleep training. I informed all my neighbors that they would hear Kaci crying at bed time and nap time, passed out ear plugs, put on my big girl panties and did it. Kaci cried for 20 minutes and then slept for NINE hours. Last night she cried for FIVE minutes and slept for ELEVEN HOURS. Tonight she cried for less than one minute and is sound asleep. She even takes her naps this easy now. No more endless walks, bouncing til I'm weak, or nursing her to sleep. She does it on her own and I am a free woman to sleep, type, read, snuggle with my hubby.... It is WONDERFUL! I just wanted to share my joy and amazement.

I LOVE PARENTING BOOKS... what did people ever do without them? (consult the tribe leader or whatever I guess :)

p.s. I am also trying to teach Kaci baby signs a la Baby Signs. (I'll let you all know how that goes... it takes a while for her to learn this though. I'm starting a little early too... we'll see!)

Comments (1)

Blogger newsinaminute
February 6, 2008 at 9:32 AM  

so happy for your new found sleep.
I always have said in the past I'd better go to sleep--so I can be "good company" you and Kaci are both good company for each other after a good nights rest

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