Count Your Blessings... Name them one by one!

1:44 PM by Kerri
1. ATA is out of business!
3. Brad gets an extra week and a half in Hawaii after school is out!
4. I'll be able to go to the graduation shin digs for both Victoria and Kim!

We bought tickets to fly to the mainland with ATA, but they went under and cancelled our flight. We had to pay a little extra for our tickets and we have to stay a bit longer than we'll have our apartment, but we did find tickets and we won't have to sell an arm and a leg to buy them. We just have to camp out ot something :) just kidding, we'll probably be able to stay with my sister in TVA. Talk about a major sleep over. We'll be back on the mainland May 7th at midnight. See you mainlanders soon!

ATA was always such a terribl airline, glad I don't have to tell people NOT to fly them anymore. Just fly Hawaiian... they're the best!

Comments (1)

Blogger newsinaminute
April 4, 2008 at 9:12 PM  

thanks for the feedback on the ATA and also on the potential of camping
--that made me soooooo happy-- to get those thoughts I laughed out loud...Its just that dad and I don't get out much and this is like the biggest event of the summer for us..
it was also be fun to have you all around if everything goes as planned. I know everyone's plan for summer are If-y and as kerri said but we can at least dream of how it might be all of us camping and such ...I laughed out loud at the prospect of a flip off the pier

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