running balloons

11:12 AM by Kerri

Our house was covered with balloons, you couldn't walk normal, you had to shuffle or you'd pop a balloon or step on it just right and fall down. Kaci didn't seem to mind. She had so much fun running in them!

hiding balloons

11:10 AM by Kerri

You've heard of burying people in the sand... Kaci thought it was fun to buried in the balloons. It was so fun to watch her pop out!


9:31 AM by Kerri
Attention All:

We have made a new blog. This blog is being turned into a book, so we will not be posting to it anymore. Please go to

Thanks and Happy Blogging to You!

A Nostalgic Goodbye Post

11:37 PM by Kerri

Far away in the big ocean blue
there's a little island called O'ahu (O-Wahoo!)
On this island there is a magical place
the locals call La'ie

The grass is always green
There are flowers in the trees
The breeze sounds like music
And the ocean is majestic!

Whether the sun is shining or the clouds are raining
There is always something to do because you can go exploring!
With the mountains near by and the ocean so close
You can go for a hike, play in the sand, or go surf!

It's always fun to run and to play
Because in Laie you always feel safe
Whether you're at the playground or beach
An auntie or uncle is always there for you to see

The locals come from all over the place
Say Aloha, smile or wave
At the Latinos, Europeans and Asians
not to mention Polynesians and Caucasians!

I lived there once and loved every minute.
Someday I'll go back and visit.
It will be a glorious day
When I return to beautiful Laie

We're MOVING!! (which means we're HOMELESS!!)

11:04 PM by Kerri
Today we packed up and cleaned up. We moved all of our furniture (moment of silence please for the departarture of our beloved couch, suzy........................) into our neighbor's house, and I mean ALL of our furniture. Our house is empty and theirs is full to the tippy-tip-top!

Starting tomorrow we will be homeless... again. That means we are bumming around (Brad just made the point that we have never actually been homeless, just without a home) We're staying with Kim and Nate for a week and then with my old room mate Brisha (and her husband Poata) for our last week. Then we'll be off to the mainland to stay with my parents, my friend Kim (in Tucson), the Listers, then Brad's parents, probably Brad's uncle Bruce for a weekend or so, and of course the great outdoors always welcomes us... and then we'll have a home again! It'll be grand! We are excited... let the good times roll!


10:53 PM by Kerri
We just had a CRAZY week! Our friendS came to visit. A high school friend of mine, Cassidy, just got home from her mission (NY south) and came out for a visit. Liam and Jessie also came from Seattle to visit. Brad's aunt Carolyn came from Georgia to visit as well. Yes, that's a total of 4 people visiting at one time. Did they stay with us... you betcha! At the same time, right-o friend! We managed. We had a blast too! It was great fun. We spent plenty of time at the beach. Cassidy learned to boogie board (she also learned how to survive a good pounding). She then learned to surf (she was a natural!). Jessie also had a good surf session, she caught a great wave and rode it like a PRO! Brad went surfing twice a day, everyday. All and all... it was a week we'll never forget! Kaci hasn't learned to surf yet, but she has mastered eating sand and getting a tan. Here she is trying to get rid of her tan lines from her other swimsuit. I tried to tell her that she was immodest because her chi-chi's were showing, but she just thought it was funny!

Quote to Live By!

11:26 AM by Kerri
"To be is to do."

"To do is to be."


My mom sent me this quote a while back, and I have read it daily since. Each time I read it, I smile. It reminds me to relax and enjoy life. I love it! Thanks Mom!!
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