Umbrella Troubles

6:22 PM by Kerri
Oh woe is us. Since we've been married we have had umbrella troubles. We first bought a small green umbrella... it didn't last long and it was rather ineffective in providing any type of solace from the sheets of rains that frequent Laie. So, we saved our pennies and bought a nice, big, two ply umbrella. It was so nice, in fact, that when we lent it to our dear friends on their wedding day we hoped desperately for its return for months. Upon its return we lent it out again to save a poor innocent girl from the rain and again waited months for it to be returned. Finally, finally after never once using our umbrella, we got it back but rainy season was over. Then, one stormy summer night, we lent it to another young girl yearning to go for a walk to chat with her sweetie on the phone. When she returned from her walk, wet,she reluctantly told us that the wind caught hold of it, and it broke. After all of that, our wonderful umbrella, never once used by its owners, was no more.

The saga continues as we purchased another nice, big, two ply umbrella for the upcoming rainy season this year. Swearing never to lend it out, we happily placed it by our front door eager for rain so we could use it. We didn't have to wait long, that very weekend it rained! We took our umbrella with us everywhere. The christening use sadly led to its demise as the ferocious winds struck again. Yes, that's right, we have been doomed by the umbrella gods.

The saddest part of our story is that the one who truly suffers from our umbrella-less state is Kaci. Oh how she loves to go for walks outside... but with no umbrella and rainy season upon us her long walks on the beach, strolls through the winding streets of Laie, and late night wanderings under a full mooon will be no more. I just don't know how to break it to her.

But alas! Her oh so very generous grandma verda came to the rescue. In the mail today, Kaci got a bright pink umbrella with detailed instructions of when to use it. Armed with a little hanky to check for that nasty gusty wind, Kaci will walk, stroll, and wander once again! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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